Sentry | 451 | Level 3 Sentry | 367 | Brass Beast | 357 | Minigun (Sasha) | 200 | Flamethrower | 124 | Combat Mini-Sentry Gun | 67 | Level 1 Sentry | 49 | Shotgun | 40 | Machina | 35 | Level 2 Sentry | 35 | Original | 21 | Scattergun | 9 | Fists of Steel | 6 | Wrench | 4 | Grenade Launcher | 2 | Pistol | 1 | Soda Popper | 1 | Overdose | 1 | The Scottish Resistance | 1 | FireAxe | 1 | Manmelter | 1 |
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