Sentry | 563 | Level 3 Sentry | 544 | The Force-A-Nature | 97 | Brass Beast | 82 | Half-Zatoichi | 71 | Flamethrower | 55 | Bleed Kill | 38 | Bazaar Bargain | 30 | Combat Mini-Sentry Gun | 17 | Level 1 Sentry | 12 | Machina | 11 | Level 2 Sentry | 7 | The Ubersaw | 6 | Disciplinary Action | 4 | The Wrangler | 3 | Bushwacka | 3 | The Southern Hospitality | 2 | Pyro Hadouken Taunt | 1 | Degreaser | 1 | Sniper Rifle | 1 | Grenade Launcher | 1 |
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